Macro photography is an interesting field, and it is a wide field. Modern (digital) cameras in combination with patience and some basic skills allow new views into a different world.
Many subjects can be found within close distance, in front of my house, and in my garden.
My personal focus is the nature macro photograhpy, and my aim is to not disturb or change anything in nature with my photography.
I try to share some of my experience here on the folowing pages.
Introduction into Focus stacking
- Focus stacking: why?
- Does it work without stacking?
- Automatic focus stacking: focus bracketing
- What does a good camera need to cover?
- Software overview
- Online tutorials
Thoughts about the camera
- My camera: Nikon Z6
- Weak points
- Menus in practical experience
- The "best" camera
- Size of the sensor
- DSRL or mirrorless?
- Advantage of the electronic view finder
Strength and weakness of several macro lenses
- My "dream lens"
- Laowa 100mm f2.8 2:1 Ultra Macro APO lens
- Laowa 25mm f2.8 2.5-5X Ultra Macro lens
- Nikon 200mm f4 D Micro Nikkor 1:1 (old)
- Sigma 105mm f2.8 D 1:1 (from ca. 2001)
- Nikon AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f2.8 IF-ED 1:1
- Sigma 105 f2.8 EX-DG Macro-OS 1:1
- Sigma 300mm f4 APO Macro 1:3 (old)
- Nikon Medical-Nikkor 200mm f5.6 1:15 – 3:1 (age-old)
- Nahlinse Raynox DCR250
- Microskop lenses
- Summary
The remaining rest below needs to be translated, which will happen step by step...
Tipps zum Fotografieren von Makromotiven
- Geduld
- Licht
- Natürliches Licht
- Die richtige Blende
- Wirksame Blende
- Die "beste" Blende: Weitere Grenzen
- Blende und Gestaltung
Fokusstacking-Bilder bearbeiten
- LR: Bilder verwalten
- LR: Bilder bearbeiten vor dem Stacken
- Zerene: Stacken
- Zerene: Retusche
- LR: Bildbearbeitung nach dem Stacken
Wie vermeide und korrigiere ich Stackingfehler?
- Offensichtliche Fehler
- Bewegungen
- Offensichtliche Fehler vermeiden
- Lichtveränderungen
- Nicht offensichtliche Fehler
- Falsche Unschärfe
- Falsche Schärfe
- Slabbing
- Vorgehen zum Korrigieren der durchsichtigen Beine